Source code for mdai.preprocess

import os
import json
import collections
import glob

[docs]class Project: """Project consists of label groups, and datasets. Args: annotations_fp (str): File path to the exported JSON annotation file. images_dir (str): File path to the DICOM images directory. """ def __init__(self, annotations_fp=None, images_dir=None): """ """ self.annotations_fp = None self.images_dir = None self.label_groups = [] self.datasets = [] if annotations_fp is not None and images_dir is not None: self.annotations_fp = annotations_fp self.images_dir = images_dir with open(self.annotations_fp, "r") as f: = json.load(f) for dataset in["datasets"]: self.datasets.append(Dataset(dataset, images_dir)) for label_group in["labelGroups"]: self.label_groups.append(LabelGroup(label_group)) else: print("Error: Missing data or images file paths!")
[docs] def get_label_groups(self): return self.label_groups
[docs] def show_label_groups(self): for label_group in self.label_groups: print("Label Group, Id: %s, Name: %s" % (, label_group.show_labels("\t")
[docs] def get_label_group_by_name(self, label_group_name): for label_group in self.label_groups: if == label_group_name: return label_group return None
[docs] def get_label_group_by_id(self, label_group_id): for label_group in self.label_groups: if == label_group_id: return label_group return None
[docs] def get_datasets(self): """Get JSON representation of datasets""" return self.datasets
[docs] def show_datasets(self): print("Datasets:") for dataset in self.datasets: print("Id: %s, Name: %s" % (, print("")
[docs] def get_dataset_by_name(self, dataset_name): for dataset in self.datasets: if == dataset_name: return dataset raise ValueError(f"Dataset name {dataset_name} does not exist.")
[docs] def get_dataset_by_id(self, dataset_id): for dataset in self.datasets: if == dataset_id: return dataset raise ValueError(f"Dataset id {dataset_id} does not exist.")
[docs] def set_labels_dict(self, labels_dict): self.classes_dict = self._create_classes_dict(labels_dict) for dataset in self.datasets: dataset.classes_dict = self.classes_dict
[docs] def get_label_id_annotation_mode(self, label_id): "Return label id's annotation mode." for label_group in self.label_groups: labels_data = label_group.get_data()["labels"] for label in labels_data: if label["id"] == label_id: return label["annotationMode"] raise ValueError(f"Label id {label_id} does not exist.")
[docs] def get_label_id_type(self, label_id): "Return label id's type." for label_group in self.label_groups: labels_data = label_group.get_data()["labels"] for label in labels_data: if label["id"] == label_id: return label["type"] raise ValueError(f"Label id {label_id} does not exist.")
[docs] def get_label_id_scope(self, label_id): "Return label id's scope." for label_group in self.label_groups: labels_data = label_group.get_data()["labels"] for label in labels_data: if label["id"] == label_id: return label["scope"] raise ValueError(f"Label id {label_id} does not exist.")
def _create_classes_dict(self, labels_dict): """Create a dict with label id as key, and a nested dict of class_id, and class_text as \ values, e.g., {'L_v8n': {'class_id': 1, 'class_text': 'Lung Opacity'}}, where L_v8n is \ the label id, with a class_id of 1 and class text of 'Lung Opacity'. Args: labels_dict: dictionary containing label ids, and (user defined) class ids Returns: classes dict """ classes_dict = {} for label_id, class_id in labels_dict.items(): for label_group in self.label_groups: labels_data = label_group.get_data()["labels"] for label in labels_data: if label["id"] == label_id: if class_id == 0 and label["type"].lower() == "local": raise Exception( f"{label_id} is a local type, its class id cannot be 0." ) classes_dict[label_id] = { "class_id": class_id, "class_text": label["name"], "class_annotation_mode": label["annotationMode"], "scope": label["scope"], "type": label["type"], } if classes_dict.keys() != labels_dict.keys(): in_labels = labels_dict.keys() out_labels = classes_dict.keys() diff = set(in_labels).symmetric_difference(out_labels) raise ValueError(f"Labels {diff} are not valid for this dataset.") return classes_dict
[docs]class LabelGroup: """A label group contains multiple labels. Each label has properties such id, name, color, type, scope, annotation mode, rad lex tag ids. Label type: Global typed annotations apply to the whole instance (e.g., a CT image), while local typed annotations apply to a part of the image (e.g., ROI bounding box). Label scope: Scope can be of study, series, or instance. Label annotation mode: Annotation mode can be of bounding boxes, free form, polygon, etc. """ def __init__(self, label_group_data): """ Args: label_group (object: json) JSON data for label group """ self.label_group_data = label_group_data = self.label_group_data["name"] = self.label_group_data["id"]
[docs] def get_data(self): return self.label_group_data
[docs] def get_labels(self): """Get label ids and names """ return [(label["id"], label["name"]) for label in self.label_group_data["labels"]]
[docs] def show_labels(self, print_offset=""): """Show labels info""" print(f"{print_offset}Labels:") for label in self.label_group_data["labels"]: print(f"{print_offset}Id: {label['id']}, Name: {label['name']}") print("")
[docs]class Dataset: """A dataset consists of DICOM images and annotations. Args: dataset_data: Dataset json data. images_dir: DICOM images directory. """ def __init__(self, dataset_data, images_dir): self.dataset_data = dataset_data self.images_dir = images_dir = dataset_data["id"] = dataset_data["name"] self.all_annotations = dataset_data["annotations"] self.image_ids = None self.classes_dict = None self.imgs_anns_dict = None # all image ids self.all_image_ids = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.images_dir, "**/*.dcm"), recursive=True)
[docs] def prepare(self): if self.classes_dict is None: raise Exception("Use `Project.set_labels_dict()` to set labels.") label_ids = self.classes_dict.keys() # filter annotations by label ids ann_filtered = self.get_annotations(label_ids) self.imgs_anns_dict = self._associate_images_and_annotations(ann_filtered)
[docs] def get_annotations(self, label_ids=None, verbose=False): """Returns annotations, filtered by label ids. Args: label_ids (optional): Filter returned annotations by matching label ids. verbose (optional: Print debug messages. """ if label_ids is None: if verbose: print("Dataset contains %d annotations." % len(self.all_annotations)) return self.all_annotations ann_filtered = [a for a in self.all_annotations if a["labelId"] in label_ids] if verbose: print( f"Dataset contains {len(ann_filtered)} annotations" + f", filtered by label ids {label_ids}." ) return ann_filtered
def _generate_uid(self, ann): """Generate an unique image identifier based on the DICOM file structure. Args: ann (list): List of annotations. Returns: A unique image identifier based on the DICOM file structure. """ uid = None if "StudyInstanceUID" and "SeriesInstanceUID" and "SOPInstanceUID" in ann: # SOPInstanceUID aka image level uid = os.path.join( self.images_dir, ann["StudyInstanceUID"], ann["SeriesInstanceUID"], ann["SOPInstanceUID"] + ".dcm", ) return uid elif "StudyInstanceUID" and "SeriesInstanceUID" in ann: prefix = os.path.join( self.images_dir, ann["StudyInstanceUID"], ann["SeriesInstanceUID"] ) uid = [image_id for image_id in self.all_image_ids if image_id.startswith(prefix)] return uid elif "StudyInstanceUID" in ann: prefix = os.path.join(self.images_dir, ann["StudyInstanceUID"]) uid = [image_id for image_id in self.all_image_ids if image_id.startswith(prefix)] return uid else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to create UID from {ann}")
[docs] def get_image_ids(self, verbose=False): """Returns image ids. Must call prepare() method first in order to generate image ids. Args: verbose (Optional): Print debug message. """ if not self.image_ids: raise Exception("Call project.prepare() first.") if verbose: print( f"Dataset contains {len(self.image_ids)} images" + f", filtered by label ids {self.classes_dict.keys()}." ) return self.image_ids
def _generate_image_ids(self, anns): """Get images ids for annotations. Args: ann (list): List of image ids. Returns: A list of image ids. """ image_ids = set() for ann in anns: uid = self._generate_uid(ann) if uid: if isinstance(uid, list): for one_uid in uid: image_ids.add(one_uid) else: image_ids.add(uid) # image_ids = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.images_dir, "**/*.dcm"), recursive=True) return sorted(list(image_ids))
[docs] def get_annotations_by_image_id(self, image_id): if image_id not in self.image_ids: raise ValueError(f"Image id {image_id} is not found in dataset {}.") return self.imgs_anns_dict[image_id]
def _associate_images_and_annotations(self, anns): """Generate image ids to annotations mapping. Each image can have zero or more annotations. Args: anns (list): List of annotations. Returns: A dictionary with image ids as keys and annotations as values. """ self.image_ids = self._generate_image_ids(anns) # empty dictionary with image ids as keys imgs_anns_dict = collections.OrderedDict() imgs_anns_dict = {fp: [] for fp in self.image_ids} for ann in anns: uid = self._generate_uid(ann) if uid: if isinstance(uid, list): for one_uid in uid: imgs_anns_dict[one_uid].append(ann) else: imgs_anns_dict[uid].append(ann) return imgs_anns_dict
[docs] def class_id_to_class_text(self, class_id): for k, v in self.classes_dict.items(): if v["class_id"] == class_id: return v["class_text"] raise Exception(f"class_id {class_id} is invalid.")
[docs] def class_text_to_class_id(self, class_text): for k, v in self.classes_dict.items(): if v["class_text"] == class_text: return v["class_id"] raise Exception(f"class_text {class_text} is invalid.")
[docs] def label_id_to_class_id(self, label_id): for k, v in self.classes_dict.items(): if k == label_id: return v["class_id"] raise Exception(f"label_id {label_id} is invalid.")
[docs] def label_id_to_class_annotation_mode(self, label_id): for k, v in self.classes_dict.items(): if k == label_id: return v["class_annotation_mode"] raise Exception(f"label_id {label_id} is invalid.")
[docs] def show_classes(self): for k, v in self.classes_dict.items(): print(f"Label id: {k}, Class id: {v['class_id']}, Class text: {v['class_text']}")